Numerology is the reading of numbers which we every one possesses by way of date of birth. Important information about a person including his traits and life events can be judged by the study of numbers.
This science is based on the theory that every number has its own importance and has different vibrations which affect the life of an individual on the earth. Your Birthday Number has the potency containing key insight that can be used to reveal your life purpose and destiny. In Indian Astrology, these numbers are used in the Yantras while in Western Astrology numbers are the base of predicting the future events too. Following are the result of numbers on the individuals for the year 2021.
You will get the reward of the work you have done in the past. If you are interested in investing in properties or speculations etc., the best time will be the month of mid April to mid May. This time will also be suitable for initiating…Read More
Year 2021 is going to prove as a very good year for their professional life particularly during the months from March 2021 to July 2021. Health will be generally good during the year 2021. They may get opportunities to get new ventures to be executed…Read More
There may be disturbances in the relations with higher authorities during the beginning of the year. Delays in your work may keep you annoyed. First quarter appears to be troublesome but the second quarter of the year will give good results…Read More
First quarter of the year 2021 may not give good results for health and you should be aware of any injury during this period. Infectious disease may keep you disturbed this year. While driving, take extra care…Read More
Health will be generally satisfactory except during the month of April 2021. Month of December 2021 may cause some problems related to skin. Control your egoistic approach to get more success in your professional and social field…Read More
First two months of the Year 2021 may create some problems in family life but when Venus moves in a comfortable position from March to April you will start feeling the positive circumstances in your married and love life…Read More
Ketu is moving in a positive position during the year 2021. You should use your capabilities this year to make more success at your workplace. Try to be practical and no decision should be taken on the ground of emotions…Read More
Year 2021 will prove to be the best year for students if they focus on their studies. Students, who are involved in any technical course, are likely to get desirable and satisfactory results according to their hard work. They may also get…Read More
Year 2021 will prove to be a struggleful year for them. They need to work hard during the year to get success in life. They may also face resentment this year. Family life will start with a good note in the beginning of the year…Read More