Mangal Dosha is connected with the placement of Mars in particular houses in the natal chart. Mars is considered a planet of energy, passion and aggression. Persons who have Mangal Dosha in their chart are very energetic and have great fighting spirit. This Mars also signifies marriage and has a great role in the success of married life. If placement of Mars in the chart of both, boy and girl, is not analyzed carefully, this Mars may create problems in the married life which resembles to the nature of Mars and as a result, the married couple may have to face disharmony and adverse circumstances in their marital life. Disturbed married life means disturbed family life and both wife and husband may suffer on account of tension and agony. Children are the worst sufferer in such cases.
If Mars is placed in First, fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth houses of any horoscope, such natives are considered to have Mangal Dosha. They are Manglik. These are specific houses which directly or indirectly Mars affect the house of marriage and relationship. I shall explain all this in my next paragraphs.
When Mars is in first house in the natal chart:
Mars in the first house will have the seventh aspect on the house of marriage which may get disturbed. If Mars is placed in an adverse Sign the results may be more severe. Such natives are aggressive in nature and may remain irritate even on small issues. This Mars also has the aspect on eighth house. Eighth house is considered to be the house of comfort and pleasure from the spouse. This house will also get afflicted with the aspect of Mars placed in the first house. First house Mars will have the fourth aspect on the fourth house. The peace of mind will disturb. As such this Mars is considered harmful for the purpose of married life. In some cases, physical assault may not be ruled out between the life partners.
When Mars is in fourth house in the natal chart:
Mars placed in the fourth house will have his fourth aspect on the seventh house, the house of marriage. Mars will have the seventh aspect on the tenth house of the chart and eighth aspect on the eleventh house. Such Mars will have lesser effect as compared to the Mars placed in the first house. If Mars is placed in a positive Sign or has the aspect of benefic planets like Jupiter or Venus, the results will be even less damaging. Professional life of a person may remain disturbed which may cause lack of peace of mind.
When Mars is in seventh house in the natal chart:
This is the most unsafe placement of Mars in the chart for the purpose of marriage. When placed in seventh house, Mars will have aspect on the Ascendant and the second house of the chart. Both these houses are concerned with the self and the family life of an individual. The person may remain unmarried or even divorce or separation is possible in such cases. If Mars is placed in malefic Signs and has the aspect of malefic planets, the results may be more harming. Strength of Jupiter should also be considered in such cases.
When Mars is in eighth house in the natal chart:
If Mars will have his placement in the eighth house, the house of pleasures of married life, his seventh aspect will disturb the second house, the house of family life and financial matters. Eighth aspect of the third house will make him over confident to cause problems in married life.
When Mars is in twelfth house in the natal chart:
This placement of Mars is less harmful for the marriage life purposes. Twelfth house is the house of the bed-life of a person. Mars will upset the bed life and hence the married life relations will also spoil. Eighth aspect of Mars on the seventh house will also affect married life adversely.
This is the reason why placement of Mars in these houses makes a person Manglik which means Mars has a special role in their marriage or married life to make it successful or not .
Can Manglik Dosha be removed?
This is generally suggested that Manglik boy should marry only a Manglik girl. In such cases, the adverse effects of Mars will get nullified or reduced. Generally, this is believed that effect of Mars quashes at the age of 28. But this is not true always. A person born with Mars placement in the particular house will remain Manglik throughout his life. Age of 28 or 29 brings enough maturity in the native which may give him the sufficient wisdom to adjust the ups and down in the relationships of married life.
If Manglik marries an opposite gender having Manglik Dosha would it always be successful?
Mangal Dosha is not the only factor to decide the success of married life. Other factors are equally important. For the boy the strength of Jupiter and Venus and for the girl strength of Jupiter should also be analyzed. We have seen the problems in married life when both are Manglik. Other factors are also important. The Role of Ascendant cannot be ruled out while matching the charts before marriage.
In case, if the boy is Manglik and the girl is Non-Manglik or vice versa, will the marriage be successful or not?
As already mentioned, other factors are also important. Even if one is Manglik and has aspects of benefic planets on Mars and the other is Non-Manglik, the marriage may prove to be successful.
Gun-Milan (score of compatibility), role of Mars, Moon, Venus and Jupiter including the strength of Ascendants, all these should be supportive in a chart for harmonious married life. D-9 chart can also throw light on these issues. Guidance and suggestions of astrologer should be taken and the decision should not be taken only on the basis of Manglik Dosha.
Remedies- One should keep fast on Tuesday and worship Lord Hanuman daily. Efforts to bring harmonious relations and to adjust with each other should also be developed. Gem therapy may also prove to be fruitful