Sun is the king of our Zodiac System and has great importance in Vedic Astrology. In Western Astrology, all predictions are made on the basis of the movement of Sun in various signs. Natives who are governed by Sun have round face with honey-colored eyes. In Indian Astrology, Sun represents courage, father and political status. Heart, eyes and bones are believed to be the body parts of human being ruled by Sun.
Life on earth is sustained due to presence of almighty Sun. There would have been no life on earth without Sun. Astrologically speaking, Sun is the centre of extreme power and all the planets revolve around him due to his huge gravitations force. Sun is indeed the lord and Almighty. He is Prana and plays vital role in the life of human beings.
In our Solar System, all the planets revolve round the Sun in separate orbits. Sun gives light and life. All the planets depend on Sun for energy. He is the most powerful amongst all the planets in our solar system. All the energies on the earth are fuelled by the rays of Sun. Due to this power, he is considered as King or Father of our solar system. Sun is the only source of energy and other planets in our solar system reflect only sun’s light.
Leo sign in our Zodiac represents Sun. Natives born with Leo Sign as their ascendant or Moon Sign are courageous and dominating representing the qualities of Sun. Sun is ego and self of a person. As such Sun represents Government and authority.
Sun also plays important role in forming some of important yogas like Veshi Yoga, Vassi Yoga and Ubhachari Yoga in the chart. Strong Sun in the chart indicates strong mental composure of native giving authoritative position which ensures stable relations with others. Weak Sun gives lack of confidence arising out of poor mental constitution. Sun does not feel comfortable with Saturn and Venus. Mercury is neutral to him.
Sun is exalted in Aries at 10 degree and debilitated in Libra at 10 degree. Moon, Jupiter and Mars are supposed to be friendly with Sun.
Sun rays are associated with the inner most spirit of human beings. Hence, the Sun is depicted as the soul of the universe representing the life-force on the earth. In Vedic Astrology, Sun has been described as Soul (Atma) of all beings.
Favorable placement of Sun ensures success in life particularly in the field of job or profession. Sun is also supposed to bestow great political power and fame.
Adverse placement can make a person arrogant and may cause mental and emotional disorders. Pessimistic attitude and humiliation at the hands of others become part of life.
Followings are the results of Sun in different houses of the chart. Strength, aspect, degree, exaltation and debilitation of Sun should also be considered before arriving at a final conclusion.
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