Libra Monthly Prediction For January 2020
Shri Vinayaka Astrology wishes a Happy New Year 2020 to all our esteem Readers. May the New Year bless them with health, wealth and happiness.
Those who do now know their Moon Sign, they can choose first letter of their name here
Raa, Ree, Roo, Re, Ro, Taa, Tee, Too, Te
(रा , री, रू, रे, रो, ता, ती , तू , ते)
Sun will be transiting from third to fourth house and will be able to give good results only during first half of the month. Mars transit in second house is adverse and so is the transit of Mercury and Jupiter in third house. Rahu transit in ninth house is not positive. Venus, Saturn and Ketu transits will give favorable results. Overall, this month will give mixed results for those who are born with Libra as their Moon Sign. First half of the month may give better results.
Atmosphere at family front may not be favorable. Domestic life may get affected causing mental distress. Failures may develop bad temper and jealousy with others. Try to avoid any harsh speech which will further be the cause of problems and you may face difficult situations. Take care of health of father. You also need to pay attention to the safety of your valuables. Beware of the wicked company. Some old enemy may create problems. Marriage proposal may get delayed or denied. For married couples, progeny may get delayed or disturbed.
Profession life may remain bothered. Unpleasant atmosphere at workplace is likely to create problem. Keep away from arguments. Aggression at workplace should totally be avoided. Financial position may be generally unstable and you may be forced to borrow loan. Do not make unnecessary expenditures on luxurious items. This is not the proper time to invest anywhere.
Instable financial position may cause health problems including body ache, digestion and sleep disorders. Short journey is seen for fruitful results. Students may be in the mood to enjoy the time in their company. Aggressive attitude should be avoided. You may feel more stressed on 07th and 08th of January 2020.
Important Transits running & coming:-
Result of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius from 05th November 2019 ,
Effect of Mars transit in Cancer from 22nd June 2019 ,
Rahu transit in Gemini from 07th March ,
Ketu transit in Sagittarius from 07th March ,
Mars transit in Leo from 09th August,
Saturn transit 2020