Capricorn Monthly predictions for January 2020
Shri Vinayaka Astrology wishes a Happy New Year 2020 to all our esteem Readers. May the New Year bless them with health, wealth and happiness.
Those who do now know their Moon Sign, they can choose first letter of their name here
Bho, Jaa, Jee,Kha,Khee, Khoo, Kho, Gaa, Gee
(भो, जा, जी , खा, खी, खू , खो, गा, गी)
Sun will be transiting from twelfth to first house and may not give desirable results. Other planetary positions are generally also not positive. Jupiter with Ketu transiting in twelfth house is adverse. Saturn and Mercury are also transiting from twelfth to first house which is also not supportive. Mars will be transiting in eleventh house; Rahu in sixth house and Venus from first to second house. These transits are favorable throughout the month. This month will give mixed results for those who are born with Capricorn as the Moon Sign.
Family life relations may not be pleasant. Misunderstandings in relations may develop with friend circle too. Second half of the month may create more problems in regards with relationships with others including with family members. There may be some area of your relationship that needs your direct consideration urgently. There is also possibility of living away from family for a short period. Struggles in life may turn your inclination towards spirituality. Children may perform in a better way. This month may be favorable for lovers but still they have to wait for more time to convert their love relations into marriage.
Do not show over-confidence at workplace which may spoil the relations with higher and senior authorities. Be sure you don`t give your rivals an opportunity to disgrace you. Also be aware while dealing with some Government officials. Inflow of income may give you an idea to invest in landed properties and for acquisition of luxurious items. Higher expenditures may continue in spite of inflow of income. Journeys should be avoided which may remain unpleasant.
Take care of health particularly problems related to body pain, fever and eye trouble. You may also feel unknown fear and anxiety apart from fatigue. Out of your busy routine you should spare some time for rest to restore energy level.
You are running first phase of Sade Sati which is not considered favorable. Second phase of Sade Sati is going to start soon in the beginning of the year 2020 which is again may create some hurdles. Perform the remedies of Saturn. This is not much supportive for students and they may feel lack of interest in their studies. You may feel low on 13th and 14th of January 2020.
Important Transits running & coming:-
Result of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius from 05th November 2019 ,
Effect of Mars transit in Cancer from 22nd June 2019 ,
Rahu transit in Gemini from 07th March ,
Ketu transit in Sagittarius from 07th March ,
Mars transit in Leo from 09th August,
Saturn transit 2020