Gemini Monthly Prediction For July 2019
Those who do now know their Moon Sign, they can choose first letter of their name here
Kaa, Kee, Koo, Ke, Ko, Gh, Da, Chh, Ha
(का, की, कु , के, को, घ , ड़ , छ , हा)
Family members will be cooperative and will try to maintain amicable atmosphere at home but you may not be able to enjoy this atmosphere due to your egoistic attitude. Family members may also feel annoyed due to your this behavior. You need to understand their mind-set and cooperate with them in maintaining pleasant ambiance at home. You may be self centered and may not like to understand the feeling of others. Relations with spouse may also get affected. All these situations can be easily handled if you use your communicative skill to safeguard the relations. And due to planetary transit, your oratory skill will be good this month and you can influence others by this ability. Children will perform better. Lovers may also find this period favorable only when the control their ego. They need to take special care of this relation as misunderstanding may creep in the love life. Hot and unnecessary arguments will reduce the sweetness of the relations. Marriage proposal, if any, may get delayed or even denied.
Sun will be transiting from first to second house to give adverse results throughout the month. Mars transit in second house is also adverse. Jupiter transit is adverse and so is the transit of Saturn and Ketu in seventh house. Rahu transit in first house is not favorable. But transit of Venus and Mercury may give some positive results. Overall, this month will give below average results for those who are born with Gemini as their Moon Sign. You may face problems on one or other account throughout the month.
You may not feel satisfied with your professional life. Atmosphere at workplace may not be cordial. Your promotion, if any, may get delayed. Relations with the seniors may not be up to your expectations. Maintaining relations with seniors and colleagues will prove to be beneficial. You need to take extra care of your financial position too. Do not involve in any financial dealings otherwise you may have to face the consequences. Unnecessary expenditures should be avoided. Your communication skill may help you to find out the new sources of income. Businessmen need to be careful during this period to avoid any misunderstandings in relations with partners. Wait for some more time if you wish to invest in speculations etc.
No travel is seen during this month as the same may prove to cause unnecessary expenditures and waste of time without any result.
Take care of your health this month as high level of annoyance may cause blood-pressure related problems or headache. Also take care of injury at face. Try to enjoy the time with family for picnic to reduce stress level.
Students may feel lack of concentration Natives with Gemini Moon Sign may feel restlessness on 17th and 18th of July 2019.
Important Transits running & coming:-
Result of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius from 05th November 2019 ,
Effect of Mars transit in Cancer from 22nd June 2019 ,
Rahu transit in Gemini from 07th March ,
Ketu transit in Sagittarius from 07th March ,
Mars transit in Gemini from 07th May