Leo Monthly Prediction For August 2019

Those who do now know their Moon Sign, they can choose first letter of their name here
Maa, Mee, Moo, Me, Mo, Taa, Tee, Too, Te

(मा , मी, म़ू , में, मो, टा , टी, टू , टे)

Sun will be transiting from twelfth to first house to give negative results throughout the month. Mars transit is favorable and so is the transit of Mercury in twelflth house. Venus transit is positive throughout the month. Rahu transiting in eleventh house is also good. But transit of major planets like Jupiter in fourth house and Saturn/Ketu in fifth house is unfavorable. This month will give below average results for those who are born with Leo as their Moon Sign.

You may remain agitated during the month due to unfavorable transit of most of the planets. Relations with family members may not be cordial to your expectations.  There may be hot and unnecessary dialogues with the spouse and kids. Children may also not perform better. You should try to avoid making harsh and unnecessary comments on others which will only spoil the relations. You may like to remain detached from home and family and may not like the company of dear ones.  Lovers may not find this period favorable and coldness and confrontation in relations may surface.

This month is also not favorable for professional life. Relations with the higher authorities may not be cordial. Unwanted dialogues with seniors should totally be avoided. Relations with father may also not be cordial. You may remain fearful and unable to take proper decision. Health of mother or relations with mother may be the cause of concern. You will remain self centered most of the time. Opponents at workplace may create trouble. There is possibility of change of place. Promotion, if any, may get delayed.

This month is not for investing in any speculation or gambling as loss is indicated. Financial position may not remain stable. Expenditures may go high on luxurious items. Illicit relations should be avoided.

Health may be affected adversely due to increased level of anxiety.    Fatigue level may go high resulting in lack of energy. Sleep disorders may also develop during first half of the month. Travelling may prove to be tiring and fruitless. Meditation and relaxation are the keys to overcome the effects of this period. Some of you may get the opportunities to travel abroad.

Students need to work harder to get success which can be delayed even after making efforts. They may feel lack of concentration in their studies.  Take care on 18th and 19th of August 2019 which may cause more stress and nervousness.

Important Transits running & coming:-
Result of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius from 05th November 2019 ,
Effect of Mars transit in Cancer from 22nd June 2019 ,
Rahu transit in Gemini from 07th March ,
Ketu transit in Sagittarius from 07th March ,
Mars transit in Leo from 09th August,
Saturn transit 2020

Aries Moon Sign

Taurus Moon Sign

Gemini Moon Sign

Cancer Moon Sign

Virgo Moon Sign

Libra Moon Sign

Scorpio Moon Sign

Sagittarius Moon Sign

Capricorn Moon Sign

Aquarius Moon Sign

Pisces Moon Sign



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