Aries Monthly Predictions For August 2020
Those who do now know their Moon Sign, they can choose first letter of their name here
Chu, Che, Cho, Laa, Lee, Lu, Le, Lo, Aa
( चू , चे , चो , ला , ली , लू , लो , अ)
Sun will be transiting from fourth to fifth house to give adverse result throughout the month. Mars transit is also not favorable and so are the transits of Saturn in tenth house, Mercury transit in fifth house and Ketu transit in ninth house. Jupiter transit is supportive and so is the transit of Rahu. Overall, this month will give mixed results for those who are born with Aries as their Moon Sign. First half of the month may be considered to give a bit good results compared to second one.
Family life will be generally favorable and you will get the support of your family members. Health of mother may be the cause of concern during first half of the month. Relations with spouse will be cordial but your harsh approach may reduce the sweetness of the relationship. Elderly members of the family will remain helpful. Take care of the health of children during second half of the month. This is a favorable month for lovers.
You may not feel satisfied with your professional life in spite of the cooperation you might be getting from your higher authorities or colleagues. Some changes at workplace are possible. You need to work harder and concentrate more on the work. Some of you may have to work in an uncomfortable atmosphere for a short time. Still you may face some problem in getting promotion. Expenditures may remain high particularly during first half of the month. Some of you may also get the opportunity to travel abroad which will not give desirable results. Small investment in stocks etc. may be considered.
First half of the month is not favorable for health as you may face some issues regarding sleep disorders. You may remain irritate throughout the month due to higher expenditures.
This is generally good month for students to achieve success in their studies though they may also remain lethargic some times during the month. On 25th and 26th of August 2020 you need to take care of higher stress level.
Important Transits running & coming:-
Result of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius from 05th November 2019 ,
Effect of Mars transit in Cancer from 22nd June 2019 ,
Rahu transit in Gemini from 07th March ,
Ketu transit in Sagittarius from 07th March ,
Mars transit in Leo from 09th August,
Saturn transit 2020