Aries Monthly Prediction For March 2020
Those who do now know their Moon Sign, they can choose first letter of their name here
Chu, Che, Cho, Laa, Lee, Lu, Le, Lo, Aa
(चू ,चे , चो , ला , ली , लू , लो , अ)
Sun will be transiting in favorable eleventh house in the beginning of the month and will move to next house on 14th March 2020. Mars will be transiting in ninth house most of the time during the month. Mercury will transit in eleventh house to give favorable results. Jupiter transit is auspicious but Saturn transit in tenth house may not give desirable results. Venus transit will prove to be encouraging and so is the transit of Rahu in third house. Ketu transit in ninth house is not promising. Overall, this month will give mixed results for those who are born with Aries as their Moon Sign. First half of the month may be considered to give a bit good results compared to second one.
You need to maintain harmony with the family members. Your family members are willing for your active participation in the matters related to house hold. Also be aware of the dear or near ones who in disguise may create trouble for you. You will get an amicable atmosphere at home if you take care of the interests of the family members. Children will perform better in first half of the month. Relations with spouse will be generally cordial. Take care of the health of father and try to keep up pleasant relations with him. Some auspicious ceremony may take place at home. Try to uphold the traditional values. First half of the month is more favorable for lovers.
To maintain professional life, you need to concentrate on more hard work. You need to be careful of your image and position in front of your seniors. Some dissatisfaction or feeling of discomfort may prevail throughout the month. Some of you may have to work in an uncomfortable atmosphere for a short time. Work hard to maintain your position and esteem at work or in the field of profession where you are involved with. Second half of the month is not favorable for professional life. Promotion, if any, may get delayed at eleventh hour during this period. Second half of the month is also not favorable for any sort of investment. First half of the month is favorable in this respect subject to placement and strength of Mars and Sun in the chart. Generally, you should stay alert and cautious in financial matters. Expenditures may remain high.
Health wise this month may not give good results due to muscular or body aches. You may also feel less energetic. Second half of the month may cause sleep disorders and eyes problem. .
Long distance travel is seen which may prove to be tiresome. This is a good period for students. First half of the month may prove to be more favorable to concentrate on their studies. On 14th and 15th of March 2020 you need to avoid such situations which may be responsible for higher stress level.
Important Transits running & coming:-
Result of Jupiter transit in Sagittarius from 05th November 2019 ,
Effect of Mars transit in Cancer from 22nd June 2019 ,
Rahu transit in Gemini from 07th March ,
Ketu transit in Sagittarius from 07th March ,
Mars transit in Leo from 09th August,
Saturn transit 2020