These monthly predictions are based on the transit of planets during the month. Predictions have been forecast taking into consideration only the Moon Sign/Ascendant and not the Sun Sign. For more accurate predictions placement, strength and major/sub-period of planets running at present in a particular horoscope should also be examined.
Positions of planets during month of January 2025
Sun will be transiting in Sagittarius Sign in the beginning of the month and will move to next Sign of Capricorn on 14th January 2025.
Mars will be transiting in Cancer sign in the beginning of the month and will get retrograde in Gemini on 21st January.
Mercury will be transiting in Sagittarius from 4th January to 24th January and then move to Capricorn sign
Jupiter the most auspicious planet of expansion and growth will remain retrograde in Taurus Sign during the month. Jupiter’s current transit started on 1st May 2024 and ends on 14th May 2025.
Currently Venus is transiting Aquarius sign and will move to the next sign of pisces from 24th January.
Saturn will transit in Aquarius throughout the month.
Rahu will transit in Pisces Sign throughout the month.
Ketu will transit in Virgo sign throughout the month.